
Thursday, September 5, 2019

Avail Yourself For The Lord’s Use

Profit Yourself For The Lord's Use – Reverend George Yao Boateng To Christians

The Akatsi Head of The Church of Winner's Harvest Gate Miiatry, Reverend George Yao Boateng, has prompted Christians, especially church pioneers, to be worried about the headway of the Kingdom of God and profit themselves for Lord's utilization.

As indicated by him, God just utilizes the individuals who profit themselves to Him to construct His Church.

Reverend George Yao Boateng said this on October 3, 2018, at the Winner's Harvest Church during a supplication meeting for all Officers in the Akatsi Area.

Lecturing on the point: "Let Us Rise and Build," with Nehemiah 2:18 and Exodus 25:8-9 as Bible references, Pastor Afrifa said that Nehemiah was troubled with the province of Jerusalem and was eager to be utilized by God to fix the dividers and entryways of the sacred city.

He further expressed that Nehemiah could assemble the dividers of Jerusalem in light of the fact that the hand of God had arrived, focusing on that "The hand of God implies the quality of God."

He likewise noticed that in structure the dividers of Jerusalem, Nehemiah attempted to pursue a definite example as trained by God.

The Akatsi Area Head, in this manner, exhorted devotees, especially church pioneers, to show worry for the Church and benefit themselves as vessels that would be utilized by God to propel His Kingdom.

He additionally included that, similar to Nehemiah, they ought not to work with their very own insight and skill but rather consistently look for perfect beauty and the intensity of the Holy Spirit. He likewise asked them to work as per the examples (will) of God by sticking to chapel arrangements so as to succeed.

"Be a piece of those structures God's Kingdom, however, fabricate the Church as indicated by God's example. At the point when the Church is worked by the example of God, the wonder of God is showed and the intensity of God is experienced," he said.

Reverend George Yao Boateng likewise noticed that Nehemiah was a decent pioneer who utilized collaboration to achieve his vision. "At the point when devotees meet up as a group, they can achieve the vision of God,"

He, in this manner, prompted church pioneers to take advantage of the endowments and possibilities of chapel individuals and work together with them as a group. He likewise prompted them to shun sharpness, jealousy, and disunity since these could impede cooperation.

Closure his message, Reverend George Yao Boateng advised church pioneers to hold the lessons of Christ in high regard and make their separate congregations (houses of worship) a position of petition.

Citing from Acts 2:42, he said that the New Testament Church was forceful in evangelism, heavenly and upright in character and Pentecostal in nature. He, in this manner, charged the officials to leave on evangelism outreaches, look for the sanctification and infilling of the Holy Spirit, and live honest lives.

Aside from improving association and guaranteeing profound developing of Church officials, the Akatsi Area Officers Prayer Meeting allowed the new Area Head the chance to acclimate himself with the Officers and offer his vision with them.