
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Prophets of God

Prophets Are God's Delegates on the Earth

What powers and endowments does a prophet have?

"Most likely the Ruler God will sit idle, yet he revealeth his mystery unto his hirelings the prophets" (Amos 3:7).

Numerous individuals live in murkiness, uncertain of God's will. They accept that the sky are shut and that individuals must face the world's dangers alone. How blessed are the Contemporary Holy people! We realize that God conveys to the Congregation through His prophet. With appreciative hearts, Holy people the world over sing the psalm, "We thank thee, O God, for a prophet to control us in these last days" (Songs, no. 19).

A prophet is a man called by God to be His agent on earth. At the point when a prophet represents God, it seems as though God were talking (see D&C 1:38). A prophet is additionally a unique observer for Christ, affirming of His eternality and showing His gospel. A prophet shows truth and translates the expression of God. He calls the corrupt to contrition. He gets disclosures and headings from the Master for our advantage. He may see into the future and foresee coming occasions with the goal that the world might be cautioned.

A prophet may originate from different stations throughout everyday life. He might be youthful or old, exceptionally instructed or unschooled. He might be a rancher, a legal advisor, or an instructor. Antiquated prophets wore tunics and conveyed staffs. Present day prophets wear suits and convey satchels. What, at that point, recognizes a genuine prophet? A genuine prophet is consistently picked by God and called through legitimate brotherhood specialist (see Articles of Confidence 1:5).

Modern Holy people support the Primary Administration and the Twelve Witnesses as prophets. Notwithstanding, when we talk about "the prophet of the Congregation," we mean the Leader of the Congregation, who is Leader of the high organization.

Through the Ages God Has Called Prophets to Lead Humankind

In what ways have prophets guided God's kids before?

There have been prophets on the earth since the times of Adam. Encounters of these extraordinary men energize and rouse us. Moses, an Old Confirmation prophet, drove a great many his kin out of Egypt and subjugation to the guaranteed land. He composed the initial five books of the Old Confirmation and recorded the Ten Precepts. Nephi, a Book of Mormon prophet, ventured from Jerusalem to the Americas 600 years before the introduction of Christ. This extraordinary pioneer and colonizer gave us numerous significant works in the Book of Mormon. John the Baptist was picked to set up the world for the happening to the Master Jesus Christ. Through Joseph Smith, a modern prophet, the Master reestablished the Congregation. Joseph Smith likewise deciphered the Book of Mormon while a youngster.

What have you gained from the lives and lessons of prophets?

We Have a Living Prophet on the Earth Today

For what reason do we need a living prophet today?

We have a prophet living on the earth today. This prophet is the Leader of The Congregation of Jesus Christ of Modern Holy people. He has the privilege to disclosure for the whole Church. He holds "the keys of the kingdom," implying that he has the specialist to coordinate the whole Church and kingdom of God on earth, including the organization of brotherhood laws (see Matthew 16:19). No individual aside from the picked prophet and President can get God's will for the whole participation of the Congregation. The Ruler stated, "There will never be nevertheless each on the earth in turn on whom this power and the keys of this ministry are given" (D&C 132:7). The Leader of the Congregation is helped by his advocates in the Principal Administration and the individuals from the Majority of the Twelve, who are additionally prophets, soothsayers, and revelators.

We ought to do those things the prophets guide us to do. President Wilford Woodruff said that a prophet will never be permitted to lead the Congregation off track:

"The Ruler will never allow me or whatever other man who stands as Leader of this Congregation to lead you adrift. It isn't in the program. It isn't in the psyche of God. If I somehow happened to endeavor that, the Ruler would expel me out of my place" (Lessons of Leaders of the Congregation: Wilford Woodruff [2004], 199).

In what ways has the living prophet impacted the Congregation?

We Ought to Support the Ruler's Prophet

What would we be able to do to pursue and support the prophet?

Numerous individuals think that its simple to put stock in the prophets of the past. Be that as it may, it is a lot more noteworthy to trust in and pursue the living prophet. We lift our hands to support the Leader of the Congregation as prophet, soothsayer, and revelator.

How might we support the prophet? We ought to petition God for him. His weights are substantial, and he should be fortified by the petitions of the Holy people.

We should consider his words. We can tune in to his meeting addresses. We can likewise buy in to the Ensign or Liahona so we can peruse his gathering locations and different messages he gives.

We ought to pursue his enlivened lessons totally. We ought not pursue some portion of his enlivened guidance and dispose of that which is terrible or troublesome. The Ruler told us to pursue the propelled lessons of His prophet:

"Thou shalt give regard unto all his [the prophet's] words and edicts which he will give unto you as he receiveth them, strolling in all heavenliness before me;

"For his promise ye will get, as though from mine own mouth, in all persistence and confidence" (D&C 21:4–5).

The Master will never enable the Leader of the Congregation to lead us off track.

What has the Leader of the Congregation educated or accentuated as of late?

Incredible Endowments Pursue Acquiescence to the Prophet

In the event that we comply, the Master guarantees, "The entryways of damnation will not win against you; yea, and the Ruler God will scatter the forces of haziness from before you, and cause the sky to shake for your great, and his name's magnificence" (D&C 21:6). When we do as our prophet coordinates, gifts pour down from paradise.

So as to stand, the genuine Church must be "based upon the establishment of the missionaries and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the central foundation" (Ephesians 2:20). We are honored in this shaky world to have a prophet through whom the Ruler uncovers His will.

What encounters have you had when you have complied with the direction of the prophet?

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